‘Return to the first team after 10 days, two-run gun’ Han Yu-seom “I will continue to feel good” In his return to the first team, he hit Won Tae-in and
Read More[일:] 2024년 05월 21일
Hanwha Ryu Hyun-jin Pitched well, But Failed to Win Again
Hanwha Ryu Hyun-jin pitched well, allowing 2 runs in 6 innings, but failed to win again Ryu Hyun-jin (37, Hanwha) threw well but failed to hunt for wins again. In
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Lee Jeong-hoo, structural damage to shoulder discovered… Meet ‘Ryu Hyun-jin’s surgery surgeon’ I will meet with Dr. Elatrace on the 17th and decide whether to have surgery. ‘Grandson of the
Read MoreLG Twins Wins Against SSG Landers with Great Mobility
LG wins against SSG with great mobility… Choi Won-tae allowed 1 run in 6 innings The LG Twins, the defending professional baseball champions, won a complete victory over the SSG
Read MoreKT Coach Lee Kang-cheol sighs at the Story of Wes Benjamin
KT Coach Lee Kang-cheol sighs at the story of Benjamin, “He said he will take a break for 3 weeks” Even Eom Sang-baek is scheduled to be canceled from the
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