Professional baseball LG Twins coach Yeom Kyung-yeop pointed out that the success or failure of foreign left-hander Dietrick Ens, who is scheduled to play as the first starting pitcher this year, depends on his changeup.
According to the LG club, the Ens set up a batter for the first time at the spring camp set up in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA on the 21st (Korean time) and threw as if they had conceded a run.
Ens threw 25 pitches, using five pitches: fastball, cut fastball, slider, curve, and changeup.
The highest speed of the fastball was 148 km/h.
Ens said, “I aimed to throw strikes, and I am satisfied,” and added, “I liked that the intensity and speed were similar to the actual game.” 카지노사이트
Manager Yeom Kyeong-yeop said, “The angles of the curve, slider, and cut fastball were not bad, and it is important to increase the value of the changeup pitch, so I threw a lot to improve the perfection.”
He continued by predicting, “If he just improves the perfection of his changeup, Ens will become a much more powerful pitcher, and I think he can win more than 15 games.”
Ens, who received a contract deposit of $300,000, an annual salary of $600,000, and incentives of $100,000, totaling $1 million, which is the cap for new foreign players, and wearing LG uniforms, has a career record of 2 wins, 2 saves, and an ERA of 3.42 in the Major League Baseball (MLB) , recorded 11 wins, 17 losses, and an average ERA of 3.62 over two years in Japanese professional baseball.
セックス ドールMost of us think of time as flowing from left to right or from right to left,and this may have something to do with the direction in which we read.