Saturday, 27th July 2024

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2022 season pre-evil?

On the afternoon of March 29, the exhibition game of the “2022 Shinhan Bank SOL KBO League” held at Jamsil Baseball Stadium in Seoul was held. Park Kun-woo, who was training for hitting before the game, stood out. Park Gun-woo joined Doosan in 2009 as the second round designation for the Doosan Bears, played as a franchise outfielder until 2021, and later wore the NC Dinos uniform as an FA. Park Kun-woo, who was talking to his teammates after batting training, saw a blue bruise on his face. According to an NC official, “Park Kun-woo’s bruise mark is not an injury. It’s just a personal reason.”

In an exhibition game to check players’ condition ahead of the regular season, players say injuries can be fatal to themselves and the team. Fortunately, in his last exhibition game against Doosan, Park Kun-woo hit Doosan’s Lee Seung-jin’s curve with one out and a full base in the top of the sixth inning and showed his condition with a timely two-run hit. 스포츠토토탑

Park Kun-woo batted .270 with 10 hits in 37 at-bats in an exhibition game in 2022. After the game, Park Gun-woo said, “I greeted the coaches, coaches, and players of my home team who I had been with for a long time, and they welcomed me,” adding, “It was a Doosan game, so I played as usual rather than special.” “I will not lose my touch like now and prepare well to repay you with a better appearance,” he said with emphasis. Meanwhile, Park Kun-woo, who moved from Doosan to NC, is scheduled to play against Doosan, a pro-Cheong team, at Jamsil Baseball Stadium on the 26th.

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