Saturday, 27th July 2024

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“I’m going to the U.S. today”…I’m very satisfied with the national batter and 18,000 pitches. But why?

Doosan Bears great Kim Jae-hwan (35) visited Jamsil Baseball Stadium on the 25th. It was to keep a promise to meet fans at the 2023 Bear’s Meeting. As soon as I finished the signing event, I had to pack up for a month and load myself on a plane to the United States. Kim Jae-hwan has decided to continue his individual training in the United States for the next month. Although the schedule was tight to meet the flight time, we secured time to express our gratitude to the fans who silently cheered for the season.

Kim Jae-hwan actually made it difficult to be applauded by fans this year. He batted .220 (89 for 405) with 10 homers, 46 RBIs and an OPS of .674 in 132 games. He recorded the lowest batting average, the fewest home runs and RBIs since he jumped to the starting lineup in 2016. Doosan’s No. 4 hitter title was virtually put down and had a hard time in many ways. 카지노사이트 순위

Kim Jae-hwan said, “It was a difficult season from one to ten. I feel sorry for Doosan fans because their performance this season is not good. I feel sorry for myself, too,” he calmly reflected on this year.

The first step to getting out of the slump started in the closing camp. Doosan manager Lee Seung-yeop first proposed “one-on-one training” to Kim Jae-hwan, and Kim Jae-hwan was willing to take a special lecture from Lee, who was called the “national hitter” when he was a player. The finishing camp was held for nearly a month from the 31st of last month to the 23rd, and Kim Jae-hwan trained with coach Lee to hit about 500 pitches for two hours every day. Kim Jae-hwan smiled, saying, “I would have hit about 18,000 pitches in three weeks.”

Reflecting on his training with Kim Jae-hwan, Lee said, “I think there has definitely been a change. About 19 times (Kim) Jae-hwan wore a uniform and participated in the finishing training, and I feel that he has improved. There is no guarantee that the performance will improve because he played tee batting. I’ve practiced enough that I thought of, and it’s actually going to be hard. “It’s really boring and hard to train as a sweatshirt for an hour and a half to two hours holding the bat, but Jae-hwan overcame it well,” he praised.

He continued, “He knew the problem well for himself. After the season, as I got older, my grades were bad, so I think I practiced in too many ways. I don’t think I got to the point. He asked me to trust him before going to camp. Jae-hwan also has nowhere to hide. I don’t know if Jae-hwan relied on me or pretended to rely on me (laughs), but we got to know each other more during the closing camp. He fully talked about his worries and progress. As a director, I was really grateful that Kim Jae-hwan participated. He was so tired that he was about to die, but he really did a lot. The amount of practice may not be everything, but in order to turn a bad habit into a good player, the body must remember first. I would have erased all the bad thoughts in my head,” he added.

Kim Jae-hwan thanked Lee first. He said, “I sincerely thank the director for his sincere guidance until the end for a month in Icheon. While playing baseball for 15 to 16 years, practicing alone with the manager, I have never trained like this in a month, even if I have once or twice. Apart from the director, he was treated with honor. All I can think of is thank you. As I practiced, I felt good, and I gained confidence. “I’m feeling it, and the director said it was good, and I can feel the sincerity, so I had a good time in that sense,” he said.

He is trying to whip himself more this winter so that the 18,000 efforts will not be in vain. Based on what he trained with coach Lee, he plans to refine it through personal training in the U.S. so that he can develop further.

Kim Jae-hwan said, “I had a good and informative time with the director. It lasted three weeks, but I’ve done everything I’ve played for almost a year. Hit 7 boxes of balls from day one (laughs). While training, I felt a lot of things like, “Oh, I used to practice like this.” It was a time when I felt again that I had originally practiced in this direction and this kind of feeling. It’s absolutely impossible to be sure, and the feeling is really good. I have my own confidence, and I have a lot of time left to say this now. He also said, “There will be trial and error, so I’m trying to think comfortably.”

After completing the U.S. training well, he vowed to do his best to hit like Kim Jae-hwan next year. Kim Jae-hwan said, “I think I can say that I feel good by practicing in a good way rather than thinking that I will get better after practicing a lot. I think Doosan is a team that looks at the top no matter what the ranking is. It will be an opportunity season,” he said.


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