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Is There a Problem With Advertisers?

Google is an IT giant that directly affects many areas, and the iGaming sector is no exception. The latest announcement about the decision to block third-party cookies has alarmed advertisers. 에볼루션 바카라사이트

Now, Google’s privacy sandbox is one of the hottest topics in casino news articles, as casinos are brands that need to be promoted. The tech company will reconsider user protection, bringing changes to privacy settings and causing problems for advertisers.

At the SBC summit in Barcelona, advertising experts discussed how these changes would affect marketing opportunities and what could be done to combat the ban.

Before discussing this issue, conference speakers provided a definition of what third-party cookies are. Marcos Oliveira, the chief executive of Clever Advertising Group, described the cookies as cookies located in different domains and installed by users. Now Google has decided to block third-party cookies, making them the only cookies that comply. Monopoly allows Google to create rules that determine which information to track or not to track. This situation has a significant impact on advertisers and puts their businesses at risk.

At the same time, advertising will continue to exist because it is Google’s main source of income. Neda Calceva, co-founder and CEO of Tipsley, said 90% of IT giant sales come from advertising. That’s why we have to rely on third-party advertisers and allow them to do so. Google could not find a compromise between consumer protection and revenue generation, which led to Google Block’s postponement.

Marcos Oliveira stressed that the battle with the engine seems to be continuing, but there are solutions that can help. One way out is local storage. He added that the main thing to know for successful advertising in the iGaming industry is geo. You need to know the customer’s location in order to show the right advertising.

Martin Calvert, marketing director at ICS-Digital, noted that Google wants to be a major source of information for people. As for advertisers, the change will have a financial impact because brands always need customers. It can be detrimental to companies not being able to track and retarget through the way they are used to. Brands need to do their own research and take action to minimize potential risks. Martin Calvert also added that advertisers can use other tools such as offline promotion, advertising on TV or media, and efficient organic and content strategies.

Speakers said Google is rambling, but the truth is that the product is good, and it’s hard to find the right competitor. Google knows everything about users, so it’s the best user to use third-party cookies and tools in terms of profiling. I created a problem because I want to know information about consumers. Marcos Oliveira has now concluded that Google is trying to fix the problem, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has already solved it.

Neda Calicheva is convinced that the ban on third-party cookies is not a conflict, but a time of change. She said it is important for advertisers and publishers to talk about it and cooperate. Experts agreed that the government should ensure that no one monopolizes and manipulates the market. Google has been under a lot of pressure, and it needs to continue to do so in order to be confident that its business will not be ruined because it wants to do something. According to the speaker, the biggest problem is how to track advertising transitions without third-party cookies. This still requires a technical solution.

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