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Prank with ‘Man City’s best friend’ SON Two-shot SNS tag

Manchester City tied Tottenham Hotspur in the 14th round of the 2023-24 Premier League held at the Etihad Stadium in Manchester, the U.K., Manchester City, which has not won a match recently, has been pushed to third place. 바카라사이트

The captains of this match were best friends who were linked in Tottenham. Son Heung-min and Kyle Walker played on behalf of Tottenham and Manchester City, respectively, wearing captain’s armbands. Even in a world of cold competition, the two players were very friendly.

When a foul was declared during the match and suspended for a while, Son approached Walker first and played a joke. If they are not aware of the relationship between the two players, they could feel as if Son was picking a fight with Walker. However, Walker, who knew Son was playful, also gave him a hug with a smile. Son also showed off his friendship by patting Walker on the hip.

After a remarkable 3-3 victory, the two became friends again. After the match, Walker posted several pictures of the match against Tottenham on his personal social media, saying, “It’s a shame I couldn’t score three points. I’ll return right away on Wednesday evening.” The last picture of the match was a two-shot victory between Walker and Son Heung-min. Walker tagged Son while posting a photo of him entering the stadium with him. He also showed off his affection by clicking “like” on Walker’s post.

Walker had no confidence in moving to Manchester City after playing for Tottenham. There was also a rumor that he had a problem with Mauricio Pochettino. After moving to Manchester City, he angered Tottenham fans by saying, “I headed to Manchester City because the teams I played for had no idea how to have such winning mentality.”

However, his love for Son has not changed as much. When Son was a little sluggish during the 2022-23 season, he defended him, saying, “He’s a fantastic player. And he’s also one of the nicest players I’ve ever met while playing soccer.”

In addition, even when Tottenham shed tears after losing to Manchester City in the 2020-21 Football League Cup final, Walker approached Son Heung-min and offered his consolation. He also posted a message on his personal SNS, saying, “I hope you give Son a lot of love.”

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