Saturday, 27th July 2024

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The Announces of Amendment to Open Tender Rules

The general public tender criteria for Macau’s game rights were revealed in regulations published in the city gazette on Tuesday. The Macao Administration Committee, an advisory body to the Macao Administration, announced that it has concluded discussions on the applicable administrative regulations.

The document released this time sets out the conditions for the public offering and the suitability and financial competence requirements of the bidder to select a concession to run a game of chance in the casino under Administrative Rule No. 28/2022. 경마사이트프로

The assessment also includes conformity checks, as well as the suitability of each bidder’s so-called qualified shareholders, shareholders who directly or indirectly hold more than 5% of the company’s equity capital, directors and key employees of the bidder.

New open bids may follow the usual tender open process or may follow a limited pre-qualified tender process. In the latter case, regulations suggest that the government should entertain at least eight bidders if it grants six game concessions, but the actual number is up to the city leader.

It says at least two more selected bidders should be recognized in the consultation stage of the limited open tender, depending on the number of concessions offered in the tender, unless the chief executive decides otherwise. If this number is not met, the government can invite other companies to bid.

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