Saturday, 27th July 2024

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“The defense did what we wanted it to do,” says head coach Changjin Jeon after sweeping Gisun

Head coach Jeon Chang-jin expressed his satisfaction with the game.

The Busan KCC Aegis won 95-83 in the first round of the quarterfinals playoffs against the Wonju DB Promy of the 2023-2024 Jungkwanjang Professional Basketball League at the Wonju General Gymnasium on Friday. KCC, which was at a one-sided disadvantage in the regular season head-to-head with a 1-5 record, continued the momentum of its six-game playoff sweep and secured a valuable point on the road.

After the game, head coach Jeon Chang-jin said, “I’m very happy to win the first game. Our defense played well, which is what we wanted. It took a lot of work from Laguna, but she was in good shape and kept playing, so we’ll have a good day’s rest and prepare for the next game,” 텍사스홀덤사이트 said Jeon.

While it’s nice to get a point on the road, KCC also had some bad news on the day as Alize Johnson suffered an ankle injury. “I think we have to think a lot about Johnson’s injury. Although the finish was a little disappointing, I think we played well by summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of DBs by playing six in the regular season.”

Prior to the game, head coach Chang-jin Jeon had foreshadowed a strategy of “let’s see if we can win in the first quarter”. “I think the two-on-two defense from Dedrick Lawson worked well as we prepared,” he said, adding, “When the score was close, the players got loose and made mistakes, but they did a good job in the early battles without being pushed back.”

KCC’s chances of making it to the second leg of the series were thrown into doubt when Alize Johnson was ruled out, but the team still accomplished what they set out to do, as coach Jeon said before the series, “It’s okay to go home with one win and one loss away from home.”

Finally, Jeon said, “Since the quarterfinal playoffs against SK, our defense has been working well first. I think it’s because the players are highly focused on defense and the promised moves are coming true. I’m satisfied,” he said, reiterating the team’s driving force.

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